Paper 105 - Session title: Global Products & Applications
10:00 Urban Studies in the NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Program
Gutman, Garik NASA, United States of America
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Paper 136 - Session title: Global Products & Applications
10:40 Outlining the global settlement growth from 1985 to 2015 – the WSF Evolution
Marconcini, Mattia (1); Gorelick, Noel (2); Metz-Marconcini, Annekatrin (1); Esch, Thomas (1) 1: German Aerospace Center - DLR, Germany; 2: Google Inc., USA
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Paper 139 - Session title: Global Products & Applications
09:20 Progress on Spatial Monitoring of Urban related SDGs Indicators: Where are we?
Ndugwa, Robert Peter; Mwaniki, Dennis UN-Habitat, Kenya
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Paper 143 - Session title: Global Products & Applications
10:20 EXTREMA: A Satellite-based Emergency Notification System for Extreme Temperature Events in Cities
Keramitsoglou, Iphigenia (1); Katsouyanni, Klea (3,4); Sismanidis, Panagiotis (1,2); Efstathiou, Aggeliki (1); Tsontzou, Anastasia (1); Myrivili, Eleni (5,6); Bogonikolos, Nikos (7); Kiranoudis, Chris T. (1,2) 1: Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, Greece; 2: School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens; 3: Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; 4: Department of Primary Care & Public Health Sciences and Environmental Research Group, King’s College London; 5: City of Athens; 6: Department of Cultural Technology and Communications, University of the Aegean; 7: ARATOS-Systems
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Paper 184 - Session title: Global Products & Applications
09:40 Comparing Settlement and Population Data Products: What Do Users Need?
Yetman, Gregory George; Chen, Robert Columbia University, United States of America
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Global Products & Applications
Back2018-10-30 09:20 - 2018-10-30 11:00
Chairs: Keramitsoglou, Iphigenia (National Observatory of Athens) - Esch, Thomas (DLR)